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Ternoa’s NFT module provides basic functions to create and manage NFTs. These include the following:

Mint, Burn, Transfer, Royalty, Delegation.

Ternoa creates its own metadata model to provide minimum necessary to have the capability to augment it in highly secure way.

Field NameDescriptionMutable/Immutable
ownerAddress of the current owner of the NFTM
creatorAddress of the creator of the NFT and the receiver of the royaltyI
offchain_dataLink/Text/IPFS hash of JSONI
royaltyRoyalty fee associated to the NFTM
stateThese are the flags that defines the state of an NFT. An NFT could be a Capsule, or listed for sale on a marketplace, or have a secret, or is delegated to another wallet address or is a SBT. isCapsule, listedForSale, isSecret, isDelegated, isSoulboundM
collection_idUnique ID of the collectionM(once) -> I

Ternoa NFT Off-Chain Metadata Default Standard (Not enforceable)

Field NameDescription
titleTitle of the NFT
descriptionDescription of the NFT
imageAn image for the item.
propertiesProperties of the NFT, could be the power, speed, damage, etc
media *nested object, see details below

*media :

preview: Preview image IPFS link,
mediaType: Type of media (file format),
size: size of the encrypted media

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