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Vision & Mision

Bitcoin's introduction in 2009 was groundbreaking not just because it proposed a new form of money without central authority, but also because it introduced the world to a new technological approach to digital ownership.

At its core, the blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records transactions in a tamper-proof database, across multiple nodes. Each transaction, once verified, is added to a block, which is then added to a chain of blocks, making alteration of historical data nearly impossible without the consensus of the network.

Hence, from its very beginnings, blockchain offers a trustless way to record and store ownership of financial rights (such as bitcoins) in a database. Hence removing the dependency to a trusted third-party, and associated risks.

Transforming digital data ownership

More than 10 years after bitcoin was unveiled, “blockchain infrastructures” have thrived, where decentralized applications are built and bring the aforementioned benefits of blockchain to end users. And as an industry, putting blockchain technology in the hands of billions of Internet and digital users has become our new challenge and milestone: “mass-adoption”.

As our contribution to this new era, Ternoa is focused on forever transforming the rules of a digital world where the concept of “property” has remained quite elusive. Indeed, users are stuck with a dilemma to store their documents, medias and digital lives overall:

  • On one hand self-owned/hardware storage (be it hard drives, USB keys, phones, laptops, NAS…) where their digital estate is copyable and fungible
  • On the other hand relying upon, and entrusting SaaS cloud providers and their terms and conditions to host their digital estate safely, and guarantee they can get their digital property back

Ternoa has been conceived to offer an actual alternative to these data management solutions, pushing further the limits of digital data ownership:

  • Making data and digital estates non-fungible, through unique authentication in an immutable database
  • Giving users the option to make their data contents private, relying upon edge cutting threshold cryptography and distributed servers
  • Giving users the option to store their data on distributed, lifelong data storage solutions

To make this happen, Ternoa has been designed as a “mass-adoption-ready” infrastructure. A scalable and accessible infrastructure, relying upon a technology stack combining blockchain, confidential computing and threshold encryption.

Our infrastructure comprises of an on-chain protocol, off-chain infrastructure and developer tools creating a new alternative solution for private data management.

Ternoa directly competes with and provides an alternative to the two popular key management options available in web3 - custodial platforms and self-custody of keys, by introducing a third option - chain custody.


Our architecture is designed to solve long standing problems in private digital ownership :

  1. Private Encrypted Ownership
  2. Scalable Decentralized Key Management System

NFTs enable publicly verifiable ownership of unique digital assets. But the digital assets associated with the most popular NFT standards such as ERC-71 and ERC-1155 are publicly available to view. Ternoa uses NFT in new ways, allowing users to encrypt and store their private data on decentralized storage, and hand over decryption keys to the Ternoa infrastructure for secure access controls.