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Few things are invented and perfected at the same time. And it’s no different for NFTs. When NFTs first appeared, they were very basic crypto art like colored coins, trading cards and CryptoKitties. There was very little an owner could do with them other than look at them. These early NFTs came with no added functionality to improve the user experience.

Those early NFTs were also tied to a specific blockchain which limited their owner’s ability to sell or trade them. There were other challenges too like security, scalability and ease of use. It is with these challenges in mind that Ternoa was created.

Ternoa is a blockchain dedicated to making NFTs better: more secure, easier to use and with advanced functionality for a better user experience. To that end, Ternoa developed several NFT transfer protocols directly within the L1 blockchain. With Ternoa, dApps can be created using these protocols resulting in augmented NFTs with never before seen use cases.

The goal of Ternoa is to develop an ecosystem of open source tools to expand adoption of NFTs by offering unique user experiences. To that end, Ternoa has designed a fast, reliable and efficient blockchain for minting NFTs.

Blockchain for minting NFTs, while simultaneously providing a scalable infrastructure for users. Ternoa is built on Substrate and uses Nominated Proof-of -Stake (NPoS), ensuring the NFTs have the lowest possible carbon impact. Ternoa also combines Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) with blockchain to encrypt metadata. And it is cross-compatible with other blockchains so that it fits seamlessly within the larger ecosystem of blockchains and NFTs.