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Various solutions exist to increase scalability of blockchain infrastructures, such as sharding, off-chain transactions, and layer-2 solutions, each aiming to increase the transaction throughput of the network.

In our case, after observing builders’ behaviors and needs on generalist infrastructure blockchains, we came to the conclusion that 80% of the projects use the same 20% of possible features on any specific blockchain.

Our unique architecture focuses on reducing network congestion induced by suboptimal and redundant use of blockchain calls, by offering on-chain native primitives for the most sought after features.

Most apps rely upon similar, standardized features and needs. On Ternoa, developers and app builders don’t need to code smart-contracts if they want to use these core features in their DApps.

Through our “Product Council”, Ternoa’s governance and community is in charge of identifying features in high demand, specifying then monitoring their implementation.