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Quickstart NodeJS


This tutorial is designed to guide you through the process of setting up a server-side dApp that enables you to mint, retrieve and sell an NFT from a NodeJS application. We will achieve this by leveraging the tools provided in our SDK:

  • Ternoa-JS library: An isomorphic NodeJS package that seamlessly integrates custom Ternoa FRAMEs for interacting with the blockchain. Find more information about it here.

  • Ternoa Indexer: A GraphQL Indexer responsible for parsing Ternoa's on-chain data, which can be directly used into your project or accessed via our playground instance.


Before getting started, please ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Create a Ternoa account with Alphanet CAPS from the faucet.
  2. Install and configure your preferred code editor (for this tutorial, we will be using Visual Studio Code [VSC]).
  3. Install NodeJS v.14+, along with NPM.
  4. Generate an IPFS Key from the Ternoa IPFS Key manager

We assume you have already created a new wallet for development purposes with no CAPS on Ternoa Mainnet. It is essential you use a development wallet with NO REAL MONEY in it when learning, practicing, and testing.

Getting Started

The simplest way to quickstart jumping into Ternoa SDK and begin building on the blockchain, is to download the starter repository here, and start our tutorial:

  git clone
cd ternoa-sdk-starter

We already installed the Ternoa-JS, you can directly run the following command:

  npm install

In the .env.exemple file, you will find the expected environement variables. Copy and paste them into a .env file at the root of the project.

  • SEED_TEST_FUNDS: Your Ternoa account seed you will use to sign transactions.
  • IPFS_API_KEY: An IPFS KEY generated with the Ternoa IPFS Key manager. After being generated, the IPFS key may need a few minutes to become effective for use with the Ternoa client.

In the src/basics/ folder we will find the following files:

  • 01_mintNFT.ts: In this 1st step, you will understand how to initialize the API and run your first on-chain transaction to create an NFT. Keep the NFT id from the log with you as you will need it later.

  • 02_getNFT.ts: In the 2nd step, you will see how to use our Indexer to retrieve your NFT data.

  • 03_sellNFT.ts: In the 3rd and last step, you will learn how to list your NFT for sale on a marketplace.

Run the following command to execute each script once you have read carefully the comments (replace FILENAME with the correct file name):

  npm run start src/basics/FILENAME.ts

Impressive, isn't it? Just one line of code to create an NFT and another single line to list it on a marketplace. Exciting, isn't it? Now, you're all set to kickstart your dApp development journey using our toolkit. Let's get started!

Looking for a more advanced use case?

Just follow the advanced guide:

  • 01-mintSecretNFT.ts: In this 1st advanced step you will see how to create a secret NFT, upload metadata on IPFS, encrypt content and send some private key shares on a TEE/SGX Cluster.
  npm run start src/advanced/01_mintSecretNFT.ts